The wood chippings from the recent hedgerow removal at Oxford North will be used as biomass fuel as a renewable energy source.
Bowards has completed the hedgerow removal works at Canalside and Central as per the licences issued by Oxford City Council.
There is some final chipping and removing of roots to be carried out which will happen at the project during week commencing 1 March.
The stump material, branches and twigs will be converted into biomass fuel.
We do appreciate that the recent activity at the project has raised some questions from local residents.
In the project’s Environmental Impact Assessment, you can read more about how, subject to planning, the project will be promoting biodiversity and ecological improvements. It also covers assessments on air quality, flood risk, traffic and views.
There is a site-wide ecology strategy that seeks to draw together the planting strategy with the Sustainable Drainage Strategy (SuDS).
- New native hedgerow planting will create opportunities for wildlife food and shelter.
- Swales and ponds will form part of the site-wide SuDS, creating further habitat and biodiversity opportunities and across the site, planting will include bird, bat and insect-friendly species that will contribute to the Oxfordshire Biodiversity Action Plan.
- We will be retaining broad-leaved trees and supplementing with a range of broad-leaved species.
More news on this to follow in the future.
To view Thomas White Oxford's planning application, please visit: Oxford City Council's planning portal.