Further to The Oxford Times' online article: Oxford Preservation Trust's concern over Oxford North plan (13.08.19) https://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/17832800.oxford-preservation-trust-39-s-concern-oxford-north-plan/ a spokesperson for Thomas White Oxford said:
"TWO is aware of the comments provided by Oxford Preservation Trust (07.08.19) to Oxford City Council for Oxford North’s planning application relating to our Landscape Addendum.
“TWO is committed to ensuring that Port Meadow’s character and the views from the area are protected. Throughout the masterplanning and design process, we have listened to the local community and stakeholders and worked with Oxford City Council’s planning and conversation officers. We have carried out extensive studies and assessments to ensure that any concerns are addressed at the design stage to conserve the character and views from this special place.”
Oxford North's full planning application, reference 18/02065/OUTFUL, can be viewed here: http://public.oxford.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=PCRSU2MFIRR00